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Dance theatre

Undine Goes

Undine geht
"I knew a man named Hans, and he was unlike any other. One more I knew that was unlike any other.
Then one that was different than everyone else and his name was Hans, I loved him. "

Ingeborg Bachmann: Undine goes.

Erna Froehlich and I worshiped the poet Ingeborg Bachmann and love mermaids. So it was only a matter of time before we did "Undine goes". In late summer 2007, I began to turn the story into a dance-theatre piece. After the first rehearsal we were captured by the "Undine Spirit". Thanks to Erna, we were able to win the reciter Barbara Greese. Thus, the Undine-triad was perfect.

Now only the "Hans’" were missing. Finally the three Hans’ were performed by Natale Lionello, who had already participated in the Munch-piece in 2004, Hellmut Boelling and Werner Greese. On November 1st, 2007, "Undine goes" premiered under my direction in the "Black Box" in Munich.

Undine-Flyer          Undine Flyer

"While my Soul was Travelling"
Tanztheater... während sich meine Seele auf Reisen befand“
"I have spent my whole life half in a dream, half in the real world.
People have realized this, and bit with their fierce teeth into my vulnerable body while my soul was travelling."

Edvard Munch

The paintings of the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch inspired Erna Fröhlich to devise this dance programme. With her the dancers Eva Boehm, Petra Walter and I interpreted his paintings into dance. Above all, the archetypal representations of Munch's theme of "The Woman in three stages: white-red-black" promted new dances where we explored the potential for dramatic expression of Raqs Sharqi. In the colours of white, red and black, the protagonist’s development unfolds from the self-forgetting, dreaming, thirsting-for-life young woman through the lover and sufferer, to the wise woman, the ally of life and death.

Together with the musician Tim Garside from London we realized the vision of the Munch-dance production. On October 2nd, 2004 - shortly after the spectacular robbery of two of Munch’s most important pictures from the museum in Oslo - "While my Soul was Travelling” had its premiere in the Munich theatre “Leo”.


Dances for the Inner Lover
Tanztheater Dances for the Inner Lover
"By God, when you see your beauty you will be the idol of yourself"


When I was invited in 2008 to do a solo peformance at the 1st Mary Magdalene International Congress in Munich, I was delighted to be able to contribute to the acknowledgement of this mysterious female figure.

Mary Magdalene is one of the most fascinating women in history for me. In the New Testament Mary Magdalene was portrayed as a prostitute. In Christianity she was regarded as the patron saint of "fallen women". The Gnostic traditions, however, describe Mary Magdalene as a wise teacher and an equal partner of Jesus.

An improvisation with the singer Peruquois preceded the performance with Zorran Popadič to the music of Loreena McKennitt. The Celtic-Middle Eastern music from her album "An Ancient Muse" and the musical settings of poems of the mystic Rumi embody the love that emanates from a spiritual woman like Mary Magdalene.
.Tanztheater Inner lover
Tanztheater Tanztheater Tanztheater
"La Vie en Rose"
La Vie en Rose

Mon amie la rose

Mon Amie la Rose .... more information (pdf)

Video: Best of "La Vie en Rose"

Photo gallery


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